Staff » Annual Notification

Annual Notification

The Pleasant Valley JUESD is required by law to communicate the following information to all employees annually.  Please review all items below to ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities as a District employee.  We also require a signed acknowledgment to verify that all notices were received and read. 

These policies will remain available on our website for you to revisit at any time.  For a full listing and complete text of all our current Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, please visit the Board Policies page.

Step 1: Click on the link for each notification and read.


Step 2: Sign and submit Acknowledgement of Receipt

  • Print the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form (Click here)
  • The completed form must include your printed name, date, and signature.
  • Return the signed acknowledgment form to the superintendent's mailbox before September 30, 20124
  • A copy of this acknowledgment form will be placed in your personnel file. 
  • If you have any questions about the Annual Employee Notification information, don't hesitate to contact the superintendent.


Step 3: Annual Training Requirements

All employees are required to complete five online training sessions.  To access these trainings, go to the Get Safety Trained website and sign in using the box on the left-hand of the screen. To sign in, you will need to:

Enter your email address and password
Dropdown: Select “P”
Dropdown: Select “Pleasant Valley Joint Union Elementary School District”
You will be directed to the personal training record main menu
Select “View All Courses”

If you are new to the district, create a new account. 

All training must be completed by September 30, 2024. While some employees will be able to complete the modules during their regular workdays and at their workstations, some may need assistance in accessing a workstation and receiving remuneration for the time spent completing these modules. 

Required Training to Review by All Employees

1. Mandated Child Abuse Reporting for Educators (Required) - 30 minutes

Assembly Bill 1432 requires that all district employees complete a Mandated Reporter training within the first six weeks of every school year and for each new hire within six weeks of their start date. 

2. Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Training (Required) - 30 minutes

Per Cal/OSHA Standards, all district employees must receive bloodborne pathogens training once each year. 

3. Bullying (Required) - 30 minutes

Education Code 32283.5, as amended by AB 2291, requires districts to make annual training available to certificated staff, and all other employees who regularly interact with students have access to an online bullying module. 

4. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Non-Supervisory Personnel (Required every two years) - 60 minutes

Senate Bill 1343 mandates training every two years.

Required Training to Review by All Employees Using Disinfectant Wipes  (For 2020-2021, this is required for ALL employees.)

5. Antimicrobial Pesticides (Integrated Pest Management) (Required if applicable) - 60 minutes

The State Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) requires that all school staff who are using disinfecting wipes and employees who apply or are exposed to pesticides during the course of their work participate in annual training on the safe use of pesticides around children. 

Required for all food handling employees each year. 

1. USDA Civil Rights Training - 30 minutes

If you wish to view the catalog of all other available free online training courses, click on this Get Safety Trained. 

Bomb Threat Training 
New for 2023-2024, all staff needs to have bomb-threat training.  Please use this document and watch this short video.