Students » Educational Websites

Educational Websites


Starfall provides practice for kindergarten through third-grade level reading with phonics and mathematics.

ETC Portal

The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education sponsors the ETC Portal. It contains multiple primary, secondary, and technological resources for students, parents, and teachers.

Khan Academy

Learn mathematics and a wide variety of other skills with video tutorials. (Account created by your teacher.)


Keep an eye on your grades, assignments, and attendance.


This program provides state-of-the-art science lessons that are standards-based and often interactive. 

Curious George

Use this link to play interactive games for kindergarteners and first-graders. 

ABCya! Educational Computer Games and Apps for Kids

Use this link to access an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities.

Renaissance Learning (AR)

Use this link to take an AR test. 


Use this online library of leveled books.  Students can use this to take AR tests if they have no access to books from home. 

Numtanga Math

Numtanga Math is an excellent place for primary-aged students to practice their math skills in a fun, interactive way. 


Interactive and adaptive standards-based practice and assessment for language arts and mathematics (games and practice)

Free typing games to reinforce new keyboarding skills

Wonders Textbook

This link will take you to online resources that support the Wonders textbook used for English language arts instruction.

STEMscopes is a wonderful science curriculum. Check out the lesson plans and science video streaming.

This is an online dictionary and thesaurus. 

MLA Citation Template

Use this link to help with the citation for bibliographies for your research projects. 

Four-Function Calculator

Used on the sixth-grade SBAC assessments


Hour of Code: Moana

Hour of Code: Minecraft

Hour of Code: Star Wars

Learn to write computer code with these interactive games.